Cultural & Historic Affairs

The Bergen County Division of Cultural & Historic Affairs is dedicated to supporting the arts, history, and historic preservation. The DCHA plays a leading role in building a flourishing cultural environment that benefits and distinguishes Bergen County as a New Jersey cultural destination, offering programs, services, and resources in all three areas.

Upcoming Events



The DCHA offers grant funding for local nonprofit arts organizations and others that present arts programs, the largest arts education festival for teenagers in New Jersey, arts education opportunities for schools and visual art exhibits, a major regional art show for artists at all levels, and grant writing assistance workshops.

Annual art programming includes Art in the Park, the Teen Arts Festival, and the Music at the Wortendyke Barn series.

The Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs is happy to present Online Winner’s Exhibit from the 2022 58th Annual Art in the Park:


The DCHA encourages public participation in Bergen County heritage through the celebration of historic events associated with the nine County-owned historic sites and history, having as a prime objective to promote heritage tourism and present educational programs at these sites. The DCHA is charged with the ongoing endeavor of preserving and maintaining the County-owned sites, a mission that is carried out by the DCHA staff with the advice of the Bergen County Historic Preservation Advisory Board. 

Visit Bergen County’s Historic Sites!


Serving as a resource center for county historic and preservation research, the DCHA staff and consultants provide historic information to the public, update the County Historic Sites Survey for 70 towns, provide history and preservation grant funding and technical assistance for county societies, organizations and towns, and curate the Bergen County Archives. The Historic Preservation Awards are an annual highlight, providing commendations for historic preservation projects, leadership, and education.

Visit Bergen County’s Online Historic Archives! 


The DCHA administers grants for Art organizations and History organizations. The Arts Grant Program supports and promotes County non-profit art organizations, and other non-profits that present Bergen County-based art programs. The History Grant Program supports and promotes Bergen County history programs, projects, and local history-based non-profit organizations.

Contact Us

Cynthia Forster



Greg Lucente



Vivian Davis

Programs/Teen Arts


Elaine Kiernan Gold

Historic Preservation


Elizabeth Shepard



 Bergen County Department of Parks

One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076

Phone: 201-336-7275