Foster Program

Thank you for your interest in the Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center’s Kitten Foster Program.  This program allows us to provide a loving environment for the babies until they are ready to go through the adoption process.

Caring for kittens is a lot like caring for human babies.  Depending on their age, they may require bottle feedings every few hours, assistance with elimination, temperature regulation and/or socialization

As a foster parent, we require a few things from you:

√ Your participation in a 30-minute training orientation, so that you can learn what you need to do, how the program works, and have your questions answered

√ A separate area in your home to keep the kittens away from any other pets.  Ideally, this should be someplace that can be easily cleaned and disinfected

√ Your commitment to taking care of our babies until they are ready to be spayed or neutered

√ Adherence to the foster kitten examination schedule provided with the kittens

BCAS will provide you with the following:

√ All supplies for taking care of the foster kittens – food, litter, litter boxes, a crate, towels, etc.

√ Access to information that will answer any questions

√ Veterinary staff to monitor the kittens, provide them with vaccines and any
necessary medical care

What types of kittens are available to foster?

Moms with Babies -  nursing mother with her litter.  Mom needs three meals a day.  Once the kittens wean, mom will come back to the shelter, and the kittens will remain in foster until they are old enough for spay/neuter

Bottle Babies – kittens that have come in without their mothers and need around the clock care, including feedings every 2-4 hours, assistance with elimination, and a warm, quiet space

Young Ones – kittens less than 8 weeks old that are not big enough to be spayed or neutered.  They need lots of play time, feedings 3-4 times a day, and a place away from other animals

Unsocialized – kittens of varying ages that may be “hissy/spitty” and uncomfortable with human interaction.  They need time to learn to trust and frequent interaction with their foster family

Why do I need a separate place for the foster kittens?

Kittens sent out to foster are generally too young to be tested for contagious diseases like FIV/FeLV.   They may get colds or have a parasite that can be transmitted to your personal pets.

How long will I have the kittens?

Kittens can be spayed/neutered at 2 pounds for males and 2.5 pounds for females.  Depending on the age of the kittens you are working with, they can stay with you for anywhere from 2-8 weeks.

For more information on the Foster Program, please email or call the shelter 201-229-4600.

Contact Us

Thomas Longo

Interim Director

Robert Bergamini

Animal Shelter Manager

Bergen County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center

100 United Lane • Teterboro, NJ 07608

Animal Shelter & Adoption Center: 201-229-4600

Animal Control Phone: 201-229-4616


For Directions to the Shelter, please click here