Continuum of Care

The Continuum of Care (CoC) system is an array of homeless and homeless prevention programs that serves people from their immediate needs for services (food, clothing, shelter, financial assistance and supportive services) through permanent affordable housing.

The Bergen County Division of Community Development is the Lead in the Continuum of Care system within the jurisdiction and is also responsible for the coordination of the CoC annual application on behalf of the Bergen County COC Committee. Prior to June 2014, the COC Planning Committee and the Housing & Emergency Assistance Committee (H&EAC) a sub-committee of the HSAC, met monthly as joint committees. This process began in 1994, when HUD developed the Homeless Continuum of Care section of the Bergen County Five Year Consolidated Plan and the Division was charged with the responsibility for the development of a plan, for the delivery of shelter and support services for the County’s homeless population. 

This coordinated effort has enabled the County to maximize benefits from collective problem solving and coordinated activities. The Division is also responsible for coordinating the COC committee meetings, which are held alternating months of the year, with the COC Leadership and General committees. All recommendations and strategies for the annual Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grant applications are derived from the work of these committees. The Continuum of Care system includes the entire spectrum of support services and housing options for the at risk of homelessness, homeless and chronically homeless populations.

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2024

The Bergen County Continuum of Care is now accepting Concept Papers for agencies seeking new and renewal Continuum of Care funding. New project applications can be for any of the following program types: permanent housing, transitional housing, HMIS and support service only programs. While concept papers will be accepted for all program types, funding decisions will be based on the project evaluation criteria, performance standards, local monitoring findings, as well as any restrictions placed on funding by HUD in the FY2024 NOFO. 

All applications must be submitted through SM Apply by August 2nd, 2024 at 5pm. Late submissions will receive an automatic deduction of 5 points from the total application score.

Bergen Continuum of Care Funding  Application

To assist agencies looking to submit an application, the CoC will host a technical assistance session on Monday, July 22nd, 2024 at 11am. Please use the link below to register for the session:


The CoC Builds NOFO was also released. Please see the link and Info below.:

Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds


The Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO targets efforts within CoC geographic areas to address and reduce persons experiencing homelessness by adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time CoCBuilds awards under the CoC Program. Through the CoCBuilds NOFO, HUD is encouraging CoCs to leverage funds provided for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new PSH units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. PSH is permanent housing in which supportive services are provided to assist individuals with a disability and families where at least one household member has a disability and is experiencing homelessness to live independently. Additionally, no more than 20 percent of each award may be used for other eligible CoC Program activities associated with the PSH project (e.g., supportive services, operating costs (Section IV.G.3 of this NOFO)), and no more than 10 percent of an award may be used for project administration.

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2023

Bergen COC CA 2023

FY 2023 Bergen CoC Budget

Priority Listing 9 21 23

FY2023 Continuum of Care Funding for New and Renewal Projects

The Bergen County Continuum of Care is accepting Concept Papers through the SM Apply system for agencies seeking new and renewal Continuum of Care funding for any of the following program types: Permanent housing, Transitional housing and Support services only programs. While concept papers will be accepted for all program types, funding decisions will be based on the project evaluation criteria, performance standards, local monitoring findings, as well as any restrictions placed on funding by HUD in the FY2023 NOFO. To assist agencies looking to submit an application, the CoC will host a technical assistance session on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023, at 10:30am. Please use the link below to register for the session:

Specifications for eligible project types, the scoring criteria and the HUD NOFO can be found here:

DEADLINE: Any agency seeking to apply for either new or renewal funding MUST complete an application in SM by 5 PM on Friday, August 4th, 2023.

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2022

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2021

HUD has released the 2021 CoC NOFO. The County’s Collaborative COC application due date is November 16, 2021.

The Bergen County CoC is accepting NEW applications for PSH, RRH, TH/RRH, and SSO-CE. PSH projects are eligible to apply for service dollars as well as rental assistance.

Listed below are the HUD funding Priorities for 2021:

  • DV RRH
  • DV TH/RRH Projects
  • PSH Projects that are partnering with healthcare organizations
    • Please note that PSH projects can include service dollars in the budget

If anyone is interested in submitting a NEW application at this time, please submit a 1-page Concept Paper with a budget by September 7, 2021.

Please see the attached following documents for further information:


Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2019

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2018

Bergen County Continuum of Care FY2017

Contact Us

Angela Drakes

Continuum of Care Lead

 Bergen County Division of Community Development

One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601

Department of Administration and Finance

One Bergen County Plaza • 5th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076

Phone: 201-336-7335 • Fax: 201-336-7304